Published on January 14, 2022 Updated on January 14, 2022

SECO PROJECT (Semantic Congruence in Arithmetic)

This project comprises a series of studies aimed at characterising the influence that our knowledge from daily life has on our ability to engage in mathematical reasoning.

Objectifs scientifiques

More specifically, it is a question of showing how non-mathematical knowledge can interfere with the representation and resolution of arithmetic problems with verbal statements. We try to identify the way in which the semantics of the world can in turn favour or restrict the understanding of the mathematical semantics of problems, by studying more particularly those situations that require semantic recoding. The tasks proposed in this perspective range from the categorisation of problems to the recall of statements, through the diagramming of problems and the evaluation of solutions. Behavioural indices (response time, performance) are collected together with physiological indices (saccadic eye movements, pupil dilation) in order to obtain an accurate representation of the cognitive processes underlying these interactions.

Project funded by the Interdisciplinary Research Centre, the Ministry of Education and the Regional Council of Burgundy. 

Partners: Hippolyte Gros, Emmanuel Sander (University of Geneva), Jean-Pierre Thibaut (University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté)