le 28 juillet 2022
Publié le 4 juillet 2022 Mis à jour le 2 septembre 2022

Communication internationale - CogSci 2022


Du 27 au 30 juillet prochain se tiendra la 44ème conférence annuelle de la Cognitive Science Society à Toronto. 

 À l'occasion de cette conférence, plusieurs membres de l'équipe ADC iront présenter leurs derniers travaux à la communauté scientifique internationale. 

Vous pouvez dès à présent lire l'article sur lequel portera la communication de Eric Iacono, Hippolyte Gros, et Evelyne Clément : Training flexible categorization to improve arithmetic problem solving: A school-based intervention with 5th graders.

Ci-dessous, le résumé de la communication : 

Because of its importance in academic achievement, especially in mathematics, training cognitive flexibility at school is a major issue. The present research investigates the effectiveness of a school-based intervention to improve proportion arithmetic problem solving. The study was conducted with 5th graders of 10 classes from 5 high-priority education schools in the Paris region. Students of the control and experimental groups took part in 8 learning sessions about proportion problem solving. The experimental group's training focused on comparing and flexibly categorizing the problems in the hopes to help students achieve a deeper understanding of proportion problems. Results show that training flexible categorization allowed the experimental group to progress more than the control group, in both categorization and solving tasks. The educational implications of our results are discussed.